Sunday, January 23, 2011

11 Months

I wrote in my journal:

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve given an update. Christmas was so much fun! Lily definitely had fun opening gifts. The only problem was that she was so distracted by the first piece of paper she ripped off that she forgot about the actual present :). It was nice to spend Christmas as a family and not have to stress about traveling anywhere. Lily is now around 18 lbs. I can’t believe she’s already 11 months old! She still isn’t walking yet. She is very sturdy with her standing, so I think it will be a quick transition when she finally has some interest in walking. She said her first word last week (we think), which was “daddy.” She seems to imitate what we say and the vocal inflections.  She doesn’t say “there she is” clearly after we play peek-a-boo, but it sounds the same and she uses the same amount of syllables…so we take it as imitating us:). Her personality is coming definitely coming out. She is tenacious and willful and mischievous and charming and happy and inquisitive and adventurous. She knows what she wants and how to get it! Her latest trick is to open the diaper pail and take out all of the dirty diapers- yuck! She has started to test out cause and effect and to try different things. She puts her pluggy in our mouth, puts things in cups, and opens and closes things. I think she’s trying to figure out what goes together and how things work. She has 4 full teeth with 2 breaking through at the moment. She is becoming more like a little person and less like a baby every day. So much fun! She is lots of work but also the most wonderful part of life right now!
