I wrote in my journal
I’ve been neglectful in my writing about Lily, so this entry should be a long one! Lillian is such a funny, happy toddler. She really has her own personality and is a very determined little girl. She is adventurous and daring and fearless. She is no longer just walking, but loves running everywhere- and when she does, her little bum shakes back and forth :). She loves taking my/our things and hiding them in the most awesome places- such as the trash cans…We are really going to have to monitor ourselves because Lily is a little copycat. She wants to play with everything we touch and she has started to get more comfortable with things like watching T.V. with us. It is kind of scary to see how our habits now can have such a major effect on her future. I am really focusing on cutting down on T.V during the day so she doesn’t get used to it.
LIl is very interested in figuring out how things work and doing things by herself. She is always trying to put lids on things or is pressing buttons to see what happens. She loves new things and sometimes says “wow” when introduced to something new :). She still isn’t saying too much, but what she does say is pretty cute. She will say “hi-eee” and “bye-eee” at the appropriate times, followed by some sort of wave. Clark got her to say “baby,” but I’m pretty sure she has no clue what it means. We just try to reinforce anything that looks like progress :). Lil LOVES to spin on the computer chair or to put toys on the chair and spin it. Any time this happens Lily says “weeeeee”- which is so cute! The interesting thing is that she started doing it on her own- it just naturally comes out. She also says “dada,” “na” for banana, and “mah” for more, though only our trained ears would understand.
We spend lots of time ta the park and Lil goes all over the place and loves the slide and swings. Speaking of roaming around, Lil refuses to sit still these days. She’s not quite old enough for nursery at church yet, but we usually go in there almost every Sunday. It’ll take her a minute or two to let go of my skirt, but she seems to do pretty good in there. She loves to run around, whish is why Sunday school and relief society are impossible with her these days. At least she hasn’t started screaming in church yet!
I just gave Lil her first mini haircut. She didn’t need much, but there were a few bits in her eyes and a couple that were a little too long in the back and looked like they would turn into a mullet very soon. Luckily that was all she needed because she didn’t hold very still :)
Learning at an early age how to assemble IKEA furniture
Flashing that grin
Easter fun
Memorial day trip to Portola Redwoods state park